Looking at the music of Dutch rock band Focus, started in the late sixties by Thijs van Leer (b /31/03/48) with Jan Akkerman (b 24/12/46). Van Leer still performs and records under the name today (official site here). Akkerman's site here.




Track by track 210 Gaia

Main Album: Focus 12
Title: Gaia
Track number: 10
Genre: Progressive Rock Instrumental
Studio: Wisseloord Studios, Hilversum, Netherlands
Length: 4:16
Composer: Thijs van Leer
Musicians: Thijs van Leer – Piano, Hammond organ, Flute; Menno Gootjes – Guitars; Udo Pannekeet - Bass, synthesisers; Pierre van der Linden - Drums
Producer: Udo Pannekeet and Menno Gootjes
Label: Spirit of the Unicorn
Date of recording/release: July 2024
Alternative recording: None
Notes: After a piano-led band introduction in the first two minutes or so a quicker section breaks in eventually echoing the earlier theme and then fading out.


Track by track 209 Positano

Main Album: Focus 12
Title: Positano
Track number: 9
Genre: Progressive Rock Instrumental
Studio: Wisseloord Studios, Hilversum, Netherlands
Length: 3:28
Composer: Thijs van Leer
Musicians: Thijs van Leer – Piano, Flute; Menno Gootjes – Guitars; Udo Pannekeet - Bass, synthesisers; Pierre van der Linden - Drums
Producer: Udo Pannekeet and Menno Gootjes
Label: Spirit of the Unicorn
Date of recording/release: July 2024
Alternative recording: None
Notes: We begin with a pleasant acoustic guitar piano piece (00:00-01:15) followed by 20 seconds or so of electronically treated synthesised flute. A beat then brews up beneath that until at the two minute mark a yearning electric guitar-led band breaks in with a fresh tune. After 40 seconds of this the lead is taken on by the flute. At the very end the synthesised flute pattern is isolated and plays out for the last 15 seconds.
Positano is a village on the Amalfi Coast (Province of Salerno), in Campania, Italy, mainly in an enclave in the hills leading down to the coast. It has along history back before Roman times. Modern era Positano became a wealthy market port from the 15-17th century and has only continued to grow in popularity over time. Back then they traded food such as fish and other resources. By the mid-19th century, however, the town had fallen on hard times. More than half the population emigrated, mostly to the USA, it seems. It began to attract a large number of tourists in the 1950s, especially after John Steinbeck published his essay about Positano in Harper's Bazaar in May 1953: "Positano Bites Deep". Steinbeck wrote, "It is a dream place that isn't quite real when you are there and becomes beckoningly real after you have gone."


David Bowie


On March 1, 1972 Focus olayed alongside David Bowie in Bristol

Track by track 208 Bowie

Main Album: Focus 12
Title: Bowie
Track number: 8
Genre: Piano piece
Studio: Wisseloord Studios, Hilversum, Netherlands
Length: 3:24
Composer: Thijs van Leer
Musicians: Thijs van Leer – Piano
Producer: Udo Pannekeet and Menno Gootjes
Label: Spirit of the Unicorn
Date of recording/release: July 2024
Alternative recording: None
Notes: This pleasant piece is all on piano with no accompaniment. It is undoubtedly a reference to the late David Bowie. In that regard it may match the track Janis.
(Wikipedia) David Bowie
David Robert Jones (1947-2016) known professionally as David Bowie - English singer, songwriter, musician, actor. Regarded as one of the most influential musicians of the 20th century, Bowie was acclaimed by critics and musicians, particularly for his innovative work during the 1970s. His career was marked by reinvention and visual presentation, and his music and stagecraft had a significant impact on popular music. Bowie developed an interest in music from an early age. He studied art, music and design before embarking on a professional career as a musician in 1963. He released a string of unsuccessful singles with local bands and a self-titled solo album (1967) before achieving his first top-five entry on the UK Singles Chart with "Space Oddity" (1969). After a period of experimentation, he re-emerged in 1972 during the glam rock era with the flamboyant and androgynous alter ego Ziggy Stardust. The character was spearheaded by the success of "Starman" and the album The Rise and Fall of Ziggy Stardust and the Spiders from Mars (both 1972), which won him widespread popularity. In 1975, Bowie's style shifted towards a sound he characterised as "plastic soul", initially alienating many of his UK fans but garnering his first major US crossover success with the number-one single "Fame" and the album Young Americans (both 1975). In 1976, Bowie starred in the cult film The Man Who Fell to Earth and released Station to Station. In 1977, he again changed direction with the electronic-inflected album Low, the first of three collaborations with Brian Eno that came to be known as the Berlin Trilogy. "Heroes" (1977) and Lodger (1979) followed; each album reached the UK top five and received lasting critical praise. After uneven commercial success in the late 1970s, Bowie had three number-one hits: the 1980 single "Ashes to Ashes", its album Scary Monsters (and Super Creeps) and "Under Pressure" (a 1981 collaboration with Queen). He achieved his greatest commercial success in the 1980s with Let's Dance (1983). Between 1988 and 1992, he fronted the hard rock band Tin Machine before resuming his solo career in 1993. Throughout the 1990s and 2000s, Bowie continued to experiment with musical styles, including industrial and jungle. He also continued acting; his roles included Major Jack Celliers in Merry Christmas, Mr. Lawrence (1983), Jareth the Goblin King in Labyrinth (1986), Phillip Jeffries in Twin Peaks: Fire Walk with Me (1992), Andy Warhol in the biopic Basquiat (1996), and Nikola Tesla in The Prestige (2006), among other film and TV appearances and cameos. He stopped touring after 2004 and his last live performance was at a charity event in 2006. He returned from a decade-long recording hiatus in 2013 with The Next Day and remained musically active until his death from liver cancer in 2016. He died two days after both his 69th birthday and the release of his final album, Blackstar. During his lifetime, record sales, estimated at over 100 million records worldwide, made him one of the best-selling musicians of all time. Often dubbed the "chameleon of rock" due to his constant musical reinventions, he was inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in 1996. Rolling Stone ranked him among the greatest artists in history.


Track by track 207 Nura

Main Album: Focus 12
Title: Nura
Track number: 7
Genre: Progressive Rock Instrumental
Studio: Wisseloord Studios, Hilversum, Netherlands
Length: 3:57
Composer: Thijs van Leer
Musicians: Thijs van Leer – Hammond organ, Flute; Menno Gootjes – Guitars; Udo Pannekeet - Bass; Pierre van der Linden - Drums
Producer: Udo Pannekeet and Menno Gootjes
Label: Spirit of the Unicorn
Date of recording/release: July 2024
Alternative recording: None
Notes: Nura has a trademark van Leer keyboard introduction on Hammond organ with violined guitar. A caesura at 1:15 is followed by a raucous band backed guitar riff, joined briefly by the flute around 01:42. All is very jolly until 02:10 when the initial slow piece comes back in for about 40 seconds, backed with high-hat and cymbals. After a second caesura, the raucous part returns and plays out to the fade.


Track by track 206 Born To Be You

Main Album: Focus 12
Title: Born To Be You
Track number: 6
Genre: Progressive Rock Instrumental
Studio: Wisseloord Studios, Hilversum, Netherlands
Length: 1:48
Composer: Menno Gootjes
Musicians: Menno Gootjes – Piano
Producer: Udo Pannekeet and Menno Gootjes
Label: Spirit of the Unicorn
Date of recording/release: July 2024
Alternative recording: None
Notes: We begin with solo piano (probably a Motif 8). There are some synthesised sounds in the background of this slow, rambling piece.


Track by track 205 All Aboard

Main Album: Focus 12
Title: All Aboard 
Track number: 5
Genre: Progressive Rock Instrumental
Studio: Wisseloord Studios, Hilversum, Netherlands
Length: 4:31
Composer: Udo Pannekeet
Musicians: Thijs van Leer – Hammond organ, flute; Menno Gootjes – Guitars; Udo Panekeet – Bass; Pierre van der Linden – Drums
Producer: Udo Pannekeet and Menno Gootjes
Label: Spirit of the Unicorn
Date of recording/release: July 2024
Alternative recording: None
Notes: We begin with a groove from the rhythm section with plenty of cow bell. The flute comes in around 00:15 and then the guitar too from around 00:33. This all rises to a guitar chord that sounds at around 01:05. The band then carries on exploring the theme until a brief slow down around 01:40. It then carries on until another break down at 02:17 before heading onwards. At 03:05 a fresh choppy break is added. This dominates until the fade.

Track by track 204 Meta Indefinita

Main Album: Focus 12
Title: Meta Indefinita
Track number: 4
Genre: Progressive Rock Instrumental
Studio: Wisseloord Studios, Hilversum, Netherlands
Length: 4:36
Composer: Pierre van der Linden
Musicians: Thijs van Leer – Hammond organ, flute; Menno Gootjes – Guitars; Udo Panekeet – Bass; Pierre van der Linden – Drums
Producer: Udo Pannekeet and Menno Gootjes
Label: Spirit of the Unicorn
Date of recording/release: July 2024
Alternative recording: None
Notes: The atmospheric track, said to be improvised, begins with a solo reverberating guitar. At around 00:20 a flute joins in abd a bass guitar, mostly harmonics. The cymbals and drums are also heard from around 01:10 and begin to dominate but with guitar chords too and then flute and bass. From 03:31 the guitar is briefly 'violined'. Everything slows down after that and the piece drifts out much the way it drifted in. The title is the equivalent to something like no limits.


Track by track 203 Béla

Main Album: Focus 12
Title: Béla
Track number: 3
Genre: Progressive Rock Instrumental
Studio: Wisseloord Studios, Hilversum, Netherlands
Length: 4:08
Composer: Thijs van Leer
Musicians: Thijs van Leer – Piano, Hammond organ, flute; Menno Gootjes – Guitars; Udo Panekeet – Bass; Pierre van der Linden – Drums
Producer: Udo Pannekeet and Menno Gootjes
Label: Spirit of the Unicorn
Date of recording/release: July 2024
Alternative recording: None
Notes: The first minute and a half or so of this track is just piano. Then the reververating guitar-led band comes in more stridently, taking up the theme and playingit through two or three times. Is the title a reference to Bela Bartok?

Track by Track 202 Focus 13

Main Album: Focus 12
Title: Focus 13
Track number: 2
Genre: Progressive Rock Instrumental
Studio: Wisseloord Studios, Hilversum, Netherlands
Length: 5:09
Composer: Thijs van Leer
Musicians: Thijs van Leer – Hammond organ, flute; Menno Gootjes – Guitars; Udo Panekeet – Bass; Pierre van der Linden – Drums
Producer: Udo Pannekeet and Menno Gootjes
Label: Spirit of the Unicorn
Date of recording/release: July 2024
Alternative recording: None
Notes: A few seconds of drums introduce the whole guitar-led band playing the main slow theme. Around 02:30 there is a ritardando and at 03:37 the briefest of caesurae, then a brisk new theme comes in until 03:21 when a further development breaks in as guitar and hammond organ swap the lead. At 04:04 a frenetic guitar riff lead comes in and takes things on to the end with several reverbed siren-like elements.


Track by Track 201 Fjord Focus

Archive number: 201
Title: Fjord Focus
Main Album: Focus 12
Track number: 1
Genre: Progressive Jazz Instrumental
Studio: Wisseloord Studios, Hilversum, Netherlands
Length: 4:24
Composer: Thijs van Leer
Musicians: Thijs van Leer – Hammond organ, piano, flute; Menno Gootjes – Guitars; Udo Panekeet – Bass; Pierre van der Linden – Drums
Producer: Udo Pannekeet and Menno Gootjes
Label: Spirit of the Unicorn
Date of recording/release: July 2024
Alternative recording: None
Notes: Focus keep up the humour with a toungue in cheek reference to the Ford Focus motor car. We begin with the whole band pumping oout a majestic and orchestral theme that breaks down at the 30 second mark with a jazzy guitar-lead and more mellow section, a flute section coming in 00:52-01:16 and a serie of descending scales to 01:40 when the original theme breaks back in again. At 02:07 Menno takes up the lead jazz rock electric guitar (all in one take apparently). At 03:39 the flute drifts back into the mix with piano too as things once again settle down to the close.  


Focus 12

A new Focus album is officially released today. Like other recent albums its cover is graced with a pleasing piece of Roger Dean artwork. The opening two tracks - the tongue in cheek titled Fjord Focus and Focus 13 (yes 13, not 12) have been out for a while. These are the first two of a total of ten tracks, all written by our lead man Thijs van Leer, except for tracks 4-6 by the other members of the band. In reverse order - Born to be you is by Menno Gootjes, All Aboard is by Udo Pannekeet and Meta Indefinata is credited to drummer Pierre van der Linden, though it is not a drum track. As with any Focus album, it takes a while to get into what is going on but initial impressions are positive. All the tracks, as one might expect, are instrumental, although to have no vocals or voices at all is unusual if not unique. Acoustic guitar and flute are heard and plenty of piano and even may be some synthesisers appear. Uniquely, Bowie is a solo piano piece from van Leer. Born to be you is piano heavy too with no drums or bass as is the opening of Bela. One of the tracks was apparently completely improvised in the studio.