Looking at the music of Dutch rock band Focus, started in the late sixties by Thijs van Leer (b /31/03/48) with Jan Akkerman (b 24/12/46). Van Leer still performs and records under the name today (official site here). Akkerman's site here.




Track by track 205 All Aboard

Main Album: Focus 12
Title: All Aboard 
Track number: 5
Genre: Progressive Rock Instrumental
Studio: Wisseloord Studios, Hilversum, Netherlands
Length: 4:31
Composer: Udo Pannekeet
Musicians: Thijs van Leer – Hammond organ, flute; Menno Gootjes – Guitars; Udo Panekeet – Bass; Pierre van der Linden – Drums
Producer: Udo Pannekeet and Menno Gootjes
Label: Spirit of the Unicorn
Date of recording/release: July 2024
Alternative recording: None
Notes: We begin with a groove from the rhythm section with plenty of cow bell. The flute comes in around 00:15 and then the guitar too from around 00:33. This all rises to a guitar chord that sounds at around 01:05. The band then carries on exploring the theme until a brief slow down around 01:40. It then carries on until another break down at 02:17 before heading onwards. At 03:05 a fresh choppy break is added. This dominates until the fade.

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